In the top right-hand side of the screen there is a pencil-shaped icon which is the “Edit” function.
• You can change the information fields now. Once you have finished editing the contact details, use
your arrow keys to highlight the top right-hand button labelled “Save”.
Other functions you can access from your contacts are:
• Make this contact a “Favourite” by clicking the Star icon next to the editing option. This makes the
contact accessible quickly from your home screen by pressing the green “Dial” button.
• Send this contact a text message by selecting the “Message” icon located to the right side of the
phone number.
• Scroll down on the contact detail screen to view your calling log of incoming/outgoing calls made to
this phone number.
You can view further settings and options by clicking the top-left “context” button. From here you can
“Link” contacts, “Delete” contact, “Share” contact, set a custom ringtone or “Route to voicemail”.