mini & maxi orange
ASPEN/04/10 ZCO891
INSTallaTIoN & maINTeNaNce maNual / maNual De INSTalacIÓN Y maNTeNImIeNTo
for mINI oraNge moDelS / moDeloS: aSP-mo-115, aSP-mo-230, aSP-mo-lg24
for maxI oraNge moDelS / moDeloS: aSP-maxo-115 & aSP-maxo-230
Manufactured by: Aspen Pumps Apex Way Hailsham East Sussex BN27 3WA United Kingdom
website: www.aspenpumps.com
Imported and Distributed by: / Importado y distributado para:
1244 Davol Street, Fall River MA 02720 Tel: 800-324-7832 Fax: 508 673-0115 email:[email protected]
Product Warranty
The manufacturer disclaims all implied and express warranties, including the implied warranty of merchantability and the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose,
except as follows: This condensate product purchased by you concurrently is unconditionally warranteed to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of two years
from date of purchase, providing it is installed and operated strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions. If the product is found to be defect or otherwise fails in normal use,
you may return it for replacement. All freight charges for the return of the product shall be borne by you. The manufacturer will pay outgoing freight charges for the replacement product. Defective
product returned to the factory prepaid will be repaired or replaced free of charge. Replacement product will, to the extent such product is then available in the manufacturer’s inventory, be of a
similar type of color and kind. Manufacturer retains the right to substitute product if the replacement product does not conform in terms of color, type and specifications to the original product if no
longer available. This warranty does not cover replacement labor or any cost, claim or incident to any defect nor does it cover any consequential damages. The sole liability of the manufacturer under
this warranty is limited to the replacement of defective product. Product damaged by improper use, accident, neglect, alteration, abuse or improper installation is excluded from this warranty.
Thank you for buying your new mini / maxi orange Pump.
This manual provides complete instructions for
installation and maintenance which should be carefully followed. Please record following information for future
reference: /
agradecemos su compra de la nueva bomba mini o maxi orange.
Éste manual proporciona las
instrucciones completas que deben de seguirse cuidadosemente para la correcta instalacion y mantenimiento de la
bomba. Anote la información siguente para una referencia futura.
Serial number:
Operating voltage:
Número de serie:
Voltaje operativo:
Date installed:
Location of pump:
Fecha de instalación:
Ubicación de la bomba:
Designed for installation above a false ceiling where possible, inside casing of
minisplit evaporator unit where space permits or inside lineset cover /
Diseñada para instalar sobre un techo falso donde sea posible, dentro del
gabinete del evaporador donde lo permita el espacio o dentro de la cubierta
de tuberia de cobre
Quick and easy to install / Rápido y fácil de instalar
Quietly and reliably pump condensate to a maximum height of 26 feet (Mini
Orange) or 65 feet (Maxi Orange) / Bombean el agua condensado hasta una altura
de 26 pies (Mini Orange) o 65 pies (Maxi Orange) de manera silenciosa y confiables
2 reservoir options supplied for installation flexibility / se ofrecen 2 opciones
de depósito para dar más flexibilidad a la instalación