EFD1000H PFD Pilot’s Guide
Page 4-43
091-00012-001 REV C
4.4.12. Basemap Overlays
The Basemap comprises symbols depicting the location of flight plan waypoints and
legs, airports, VORs, DMEs, NDBs, and intersections. The Basemap is always oriented
with magnetic heading up and centered so that the current aircraft position coincides
with the aircraft’s Ownship Symbol. The current Basemap declutter level and range are
shown on the lower left side of the display (
Figure 4-89
Basemap Symbols
Aircraft Ownship Symbol
Basemap Declutter Level
Basemap Range
When enabled, the Basemap features on the Navigation Display are displayed and
layered as detailed in
Table 5-12
. The GPS flight plan is rendered in either straight or
curved lines, as supported by the configured GPS navigator. The displayed symbol set
includes active waypoints, active flight plan leg, flight plan waypoints, flight plan legs,
airports, VORs, VORTACs, TACANs, DMEs, intersections, and NDBs (
Figure 4-90
A VORTAC is shown as a combined
VOR and DME symbol. A TACAN is
rendered as a DME symbol.
Figure 4-89
Basemap (ARC CDI Compass Mode Shown)
Figure 4-90
Basemap Symbol Set
All map and flight plan elements are received
from the GPS and are only available from
compatible GPS navigators (e.g. GNS 430/530).