Operation manual
Ergometer CRG 200 v.5xx
Strona 23 z 31
Fig. 9. Working area for power adjustment
For the Ergometer to reach reference power it is necessary to keep rotation in a
power regulation working area according to fig. 9 (darker colour shows
recommended rotation speed).
During work it is necessary to maintain the constant rotation speed, so that green
LED on Ergometer’s control panel is on (recommended rotation speed).
Load level
Recommended rotation speed
25÷100 W
50 rpm ÷ 80 rpm
101÷200 W
60 rpm ÷ 80 rpm
201÷300 W
65 rpm ÷ 85 rpm
301÷400 W
80 rpm ÷ 100 rpm
401÷500 W
90 rpm ÷ 110 rpm
501÷600 W
100 rpm ÷ 120 rpm
601÷700 W
105 rpm ÷ 125 rpm
701÷800 W
135 rpm ÷ 150 rpm
801÷1001 W
140 rpm ÷ 150 rpm