Operation manual
Ergometer CRG 200 v.5xx
Strona 20 z 31
3.2.1. Electrode placement for an exercise test
Fig. 7. Electrode placement for an exercise test
Limb electrodes:
RA red
right arm,
LA yellow
left arm,
LL green
left leg,
RL black
right leg.
Precardiac electrodes:
V1 white-red
fourth intercostal space on the right of the sternum,
V2 white-yellow
fourth intercostal space at the left edge of the sternum,
V3 white-green
in the mid-distance between V2 and V4,
V4 white-brown
fifth intercostal space in the left midclavicular line,
V5 white-black
along the straight line from V4 vertically to the left anterior
axillary line at the cross-section with this line,
V6 white-purple
at the same level as V5 but in the left mid-axillary line.