Operation manual
Ergometer CRG 200 v.5xx
Strona 15 z 31
Safety of use:
EN 60601-1
Electromagnetic compatibility:
EN 60601-2
Medical device class:
IIa (rule 10)
Type of anti-electric shock
protection (EN 60601-1):
Class II
Classification of training equipment
(EN 957-1):
Class SA
Equipment class and group
acc. to CISPR-11:
Class A, group 1
IP protection class:
ECG signals:
12 standard leads (diagnostic mode),
2 leads (training mode)
2,5/5/10/20 mm/mV ± 5%
Recording speed:
25/50/100 mm/s ± 5%
Frequency range:
0,05 ÷ 150 Hz
HR measuring range:
15 - 240 bpm
HR measuring error:
± 2 %
HR resolution:
1 bpm
Digital filters:
25 Hz, 35 Hz, 50 Hz, anti-drift filter
Monitoring range of ST section:
± 3 mm (10mm/mV)
ST measuring error:
± 0,2 mm (10mm/mV)
ST resolution:
0,1 mm (10mm/mV)
Applied part (EN 60601-1):
defibrillation-resistant type CF
Input circuit is secured against defibrillating impulse. After the impulse, the ECG line
will appear after no longer than 10 seconds.
2.6. Equipment
AC/DC power supply CRG 200-M24.
Power cable.
Data cable.
KEKG 51 v.103 patient cable (for an exercise test).
KEKG 52 v.105 patient cable (for cardiological rehabilitation).
Disposable ECG leads (50 pcs).
Abrasive paste.
Warranty card.
ECG parameters: