User has to offer one available GateKeeper server IP Address and set this IP
Address on the IP PHONE keypad.
(7) Second GateKeeper
IP PHONE provide alternative GateKeeper feature, if IP PHONE can’t register
to Main GateKeeper for 10 times, it will try to register to the Second
GateKeeper. When main GateKeeper can’t work normally, IP PHONE can still
keep working with Second GateKeeper
(8) SNTP Configuration
IP PHONE supports that user can assign one SNTP (Simple Network Time
Protocol) Server in your country by setting in IP PHONE. User has to offer one
available SNTP server IP Address and set this IP Address on the IP PHONE
(A) SNTP Mode:
User can set different time can set SNTP function too be
on/off/broadcast, which means IP PHONE will capture current time
from SNTP server or not, or broadcast to find a SNTP server and
capture current time.
(B) SNTP Server:
User can specify a SNTP server for IP PHONE to
capture current time.
(C) Time Zone:
User can set time zone according to the location IP
PHONE is. For example, in Taiwan the time zone should be set as
8,which means GMT+8.(user can press “*” as “-“)
Note: If user didn’t set SNTP server, on LCD won’t display current time.
(9) Connection Mode
There are 2 types for IP PHONE to connect to the other devices. They are
The default mode is in GK mode. When user would like to connect via P2P
mode, the IP PHONE must change as well. Move the “~” symbol by press
on the keypad to select one mode.
(10) DHCP Mode (ON/Off)
User can set IP PHONE in DHCP mode, which means IP PHONE will get a
dynamic IP automatically.
(11) Token Password
(A) LCD menu password:
User can enter LCD system configuration by key in
this password
(B)H.235 security: To set RRQ/ARQ authentication token password.
PHONE wants to register to a GateKeeper, which implement H.235