AP224S GPON HGU User Manual
Connection Name
This is the list table of WAN connection names. If you want to create a new WAN
connection, please select “Add WAN Connection” and input other parameters
and then click the “Save/Apply” button. If you want to edit a WAN connection,
please select the WAN connection name you want to edit and change the
parameters and then click the “Save/Apply” button. If you want to delete a
connection, please select the WAN connection you want to delete and then click
the “Del” button.
Bridge: The LAN ports you have selected in this WAN connection and PON port are
in bridge mode.
Route: The LAN ports you have selected in this WAN connection and PON port are
in route mode.
Protocol Mode
IPv4: WAN connections use IPv4 protocol.
IPv6: WAN connections use IPv6 protocol.
IPv4 & IPv6: WAN connections use both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol.
IP Mode
DHCP: Automatically obtain an IP address from your ISP.
Static: Set the IP address manually.
PPPoE: Select this option if your ISP uses PPPoE.
MTU: Max transfer unit.
Default Value: 1500 in bridge mode, 1492 in route mode.
Enable: Open NAT function.
Disable: Close NAT function.
Enable VLAN
Disable: In this WAN connection, the packets transmitted by the PON port aren’t
given a VLAN tag.
Enable: In this WAN connection, the packets transmitted by the PON port are
given a VLAN tag.
VLAN ID: Input the VLAN ID you want to set.
802.1p: Select the port priority you want to set.
VLAN Mode: Tag or Transparent. If you select route mode, the VLAN mode is set to
tag mode and it can’t be changed.
IPv4 Static IP Settings
IP Address: Please input WAN IP address.
Subnet Mask: Please input WAN IP address mask.
Default Gateway: Please input gateway.
Primary DNS: Please input primary DNS.
Secondary DNS: Please input secondary DNS.
IPv6 Static IP Settings
WAN IPv6 gateway address: Please input WAN IP gateway. WAN IPv6 address:
Please input WAN IP address.
Primary IPv6 DNS server: Please input primary DNS.
Secondary IPv6 DNS server: Please input secondary DNS.
Service Mode
Service mode indicates what the WAN connection is used for. E.g.: If this WAN
connection is used for VoIP, you should select a service mode which includes
Port Binding
Shows which LAN port or SSID the WAN connection has included.
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