Component Reference
1 Resistors
To save PCB space, the resistors are mounted standing. To
1. Bend the leads in form and put the
resistor through the corresponding
mounting holes.
2. Bend the leads aside to prevent the
resistor from falling out.
3. Solder it accurately on the back
4. Cut the remaining leads above the solder joint.
The resistance value is given with colored bands on the
resistor. The code consists of four, five or six bands. With four
bands, the first two are the base value (see table below), the
third is the multiplier to the base value and the fourth is the
tolerance. Five-band code uses the first three bands for base
value. With six bands, the sixth is the temperature coefficient.
The resistor value is:
base value * multiplier [
± tolerance ]
There are two possible arrangements for the bands order:
Type A
Type B