1. Solder all of the parts without an asterisk on the side of
the board where the silkscreen is. (see the picture on the
next page). Wait to insert IC1 in the socket until you
have finished the assembly. After all the parts on this
side are soldered, please examine the board carefully
for shorts, bad solder joints and correct placement.
LCD will cover them, so you will need to desolder it
to fix errors, which takes extra time and effort.
the previous page for more information.
2. Solder the parts with an asterisk (the LCD, the USB
connector, the 4mm binding posts, and the tact
switches) on the opposite side.
3. Attach the LCD:
a) Insert the header into the board.
b) Put the LCD on top of the header.
c) Fix the LCD with the M2.5 screws and spacer bolts
in place.
d) Solder the header to the board and LCD. See the
picture on next page for how it should look like
when finished.
4. Insert IC1 into the socket. The notch on the chip must
correspond with the silkscreen marking.