On Alarm :
You can change the Alarm Actions by setting appropriate check boxes
Upload via FTP: Activates or deactivates the alarm recording upload to FTP
File Format: User needs to select this option based on drop-down Menu. AVI or JPEG
format is supported
Send files through SMTP or FTP.
File Format: User needs to select this option based on drop-down Menu. AVI or JPEG
format is supported
Upload via SMTP: Activates or deactivates the alarm recording upload to SMTP.
File Format: User needs to select this option based on drop-down Menu. AVI or JPEG
format is supported
Attached File numbers: Type the number of images per email. The default value is 2.
The limit is 20.
Play Audio: Selects the audio playback based of alarm detection
Alarm Audio Files: User needs to select the Alarm Wave Files that needs to be played
Alarm I/O :
Input/Output: For both Digital Input and Digital Output, select the Active Type as Low or
High from the respective drop-down lists. Active Type means low trigger or high trigger (or
triggers to high or triggers to low when output). The alarm can be triggered with the digital
RS485: This is disabled for current release.
Before starting the function, you have to set the FTP, SMTP server parameters should
be entered through Network Page
Mail server should limit the file size of an e-mail (3 MB usually). For more information,
you can consult a qualified MIS professional or your ISP.
For Alarm Audio Playback to be ON, user needs to enable Audio with Speaker mode
Upload via FTP:
Activates or deactivates the recording to the FTP server.
File Format: User needs to select this option based on drop-down Menu. AVI or JPEG
format is supported
File Format: User needs to select this option based on drop-down Menu. AVI or JPEG
format is supported
Ensure to set all the parameters for FTP server before selecting the two options.
Schedule Expires After:
This will run the schedule set for number of weeks specified in this
textbox. Range is 1-99.
Run infinite times: This will run the schedule set forever till the schedule is RESET by user
Add Schedule: Click on this button will open new screen