Electromagnetic flowmeter M910
Operation manual
Command „SIM1<cr>” sets mode “Dose” for digital input. If query „SIM?<cr>” is sent, flowmeter returns
response in format „1<cr>”.
Current output constant QI
Command sets constant QI, which represents flowrate value for current 20 mA.
It represents required flowrate in actual units. M910 confirms execution with string „Ok<cr>”. In case of query
M910 returns set value in actual units.
Command „SCO10.5<cr>” sets value QI to 10.5 in actual units. After query „SCO?<cr>” flowmeter returns string
Frequency output constant QF
Command sets constant QF, which represents flowrate value for frequency 1000 Hz.
It represents required flowrate in actual units. M910 confirms execution with string „Ok<cr>”. In case of query
M910 returns set value in actual units.
Command „SFO10.5<cr>” sets value QF to 10.5. After query „SFO?<cr>” flowmeter returns string
Impulse output constant QP
Command sets constant QP, which represents volume for 1 impulse.
It represents volume for 1 impulse in actual units. M910 confirms execution with string „Ok<cr>”. In case of query
M910 returns set value in actual units.
Command „SPO1.0<cr>” sets value QP to 1.0. After query „SPO?<cr>” flowmeter returns string „1.000000<cr>”.
Dosing constant QD
Command sets constant QD, which represents volume for dosing.
It represents volume for dosing in actual units. M910 confirms execution with string „Ok<cr>”. In case of query
M910 returns set value in actual units.
Command „SIO1.0<cr>” sets value QD to 1.0. After query „SIO?<cr>” flowmeter returns string „1.000000<cr>”.
Impulse width