Electromagnetic flowmeter M910
Operation manual
Low-flow cutoff (2.6 L.F.CUTOFF)
Function enables you to set limit for suppressing low flowrates after pressing ENTER key. With the “Up” key and
“Right” any value b/- Q
flowrate can be set. Limit is displayed in the same format as the flowrate. To
change the current valid value to the new value press the ENTER key. ESC key discards changes.
Note: All flowrates below this value will be displayed as 0.00. This setting is valid for display and all outputs.
Following values are pre-set:
Low-flow cutoff standard factory setting:
corresponds to the flowrate Q
/2 (see table 2 M910 Flowrates)
Moving average time constant (2.7 TIMECONST)
Function enables you to change the time for moving average calculating after pressing ENTER key. With “Up” and
“Right” key any value between 1 second and 20 seconds can be set. To change the current valid value to the new
value press the ENTER key. ESC key discards changes.
Following values are pre-set:
Time constant standard factory setting:
10 seconds
Time setting (2.8 TIME SET.)
Function enables you to correct time of internal Real time clock after pressing ENTER key. With “Up” and
“Right” key any time between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 can be set. To change the current valid value to the new
value press the ENTER key. ESC key discards changes.
Following values are pre-set:
Time setting standard factory setting:
Time set.
Central European Time
Date setting (2.9 DATE SET.)
Function enables you to correct date of internal Real time clock after pressing key ENTER key. With “Up” and
“Right” key any date between 01.01.2000 and 31.12.2099 can be set. To change the current valid value to the new
value press the ENTER key. ESC key discards changes.
Following values are pre-set:
Date setting standard factory setting:
Date set.
Actual date Datalogger setting (2.A DATALOGGER)
Function enables you to set sample interval for internal datalogger after pressing ENTER key. With “Up” key any
value from the row OFF, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 240 and CLR can be select. To change the current valid
value to the new value press the ENTER key. ESC key discards changes. Datalogger will be cleared after selection
item CLR. This selection doesn’t change datalogger sample interval.
Note: Values in datalogger are stored as with lower resolution than standard flowrate. Resolution is 0.5% of
flowrate Q