Electromagnetic Flowmeter M-910
Operation manual
5 Operation
5.1 Main menu
The flowmeter is in
Main menu
after the switching power on or after repeatedly pushing the ESC key. This entire
menu can be operated with a magnetic without opening the housing. Short use of the magnet (less than 3 seconds)
is equal to pushing “UP” key. Longer use of the magnet (more than 3 seconds) is equal to pushing “RIGHT” key.
The following information can be displayed in the
Main Menu.
5.1.1 Current Flowrate / Total Volume
Basic display (after power on). Current flowrate is displayed on the
first line. Total volume is displayed on the second line. Flow in the
forward direction is added to this volume, Flow in the reverse
direction is subtracted. Measuring parameters (units, resolution,
moving average etc.) are selectable in
Setup menu
. After pushing “UP” key “Positive Volume” is
5.1.2 Positive Volume
Total volumetric flow in a forward direction. After pushing “UP”
key “Negative Volume” is displayed.
5.1.3 Negative Volume
Total volumetric flow in the reverse direction. After pushing “UP”
key “Auxiliary Volume” is displayed.
5.1.4 Auxiliary Volume
Second Total Volume counter. Can be cleared by pushing “RIGHT”
key. It is usually used for measuring volumetric flow during a set
period such as day, month etc.. After pushing “UP” key “Maximum
Flowrate” is displayed.
5.1.5 Maximum Flowrate / Maximum Flowrate Time
Maximum flowrate value indicated since last reset (pushing
“RIGHT” key). Date and time of maximum flowrate is displayed in
lower row. After pushing “UP” key “Minimum Flowrate” is
5.1.6 Minimum Flowrate / Minimum Flowrate Time
Minimum flowrate value indicated since last reset (pushing
“RIGHT” key). Date and time of minimum flowrate is displayed in
lower row. After pushing “UP” key “Datalogger” is displayed.