Section 15: Cowling Installation
Step 8
Remove the cowl and remove the necessary material
to fit the cowl over the engine. Install the engine back
onto the firewall and test fit the cowl over the engine.
Use a small amount of threadlock on the four bolts to
prevent them from loosening during flight.
Start by removing only a little material
at a time. Work until the cowl fits nicely over
the engine.
Step 9
Slide the cowling onto the fuselage. Position the
cowl so the engine drive washer is 1/8" in front of
the dummy engine.
Step 10
Use the cardstock from Step 1 to locate the positions
for the cowling screws. The goal is to drill into the
cowl mounting blocks for the four screws that hold
the cowling. Drill the locations using a 1/16" drill bit.
Step 11
Enlarge the holes drilled in the cowling using a
1/8" drill bit.
Step 12
Attach the cowl using four #2 x 1/2"
sheet metal screws.
Apply a couple drops of CA into the
screw holes after threading the screws in a
couple times. This will harden the wood and
keep the screws from loosening during flight.