Section 13: Radio Installation
Step 17
Place the aileron servo between the mounting blocks
and use a felt-tipped pen to mark the location of the
four servo mounting screws. Note that the servo
must not touch the hatch in order to isolate
engine vibration.
Before mounting the servo, it is
suggested to electronically center the servo
using the transmitter, then install the servo
arm to avoid having to remove the servo
and center the arm later. It may be necessary
to slightly trim one of the servo mounting
blocks to clear the servo wire.
Step 18
Remove the servo and use a 1/16" drill bit to predrill
the holes for the servo mounting screws marked in
the previous step. Use the screws supplied with the
servo to mount it to the servo mounting blocks.
Step 19
Connect a 12" Servo Lead extension (JRPA098) to
the servo lead. Secure the connectors by tying them
in a knot using dental floss (as shown) or by using
a commercially available connector clamp to prevent
the servo leads from becoming disconnected.
It is always a good idea to secure
the servo connector and servo extension
together to prevent the wires from
becoming unplugged.
Step 20
Tie the preinstalled string onto the servo
extension. Gently pull the extension through
the wing using the string. Untie the string when
the servo lead has been pulled through. Use tape
to secure the servo lead to the wing to prevent it
from falling back into the wing panel.