Section 4: Installing the Vertical Stabilizer
Step 4
Remove the fin and use a hobby knife with a new
blade to remove the covering 1/16" below the lines
just drawn. Use rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to
remove the lines once they are no longer needed.
: Use care not to cut into the underlying
wood and weaken the structure. Doing so
could cause the fin to fail in flight, resulting in
the loss of your airplane.
Step 5
Locate the tail wheel wire support bracket and lightly
sand the bracket using medium sandpaper.
Step 6
Cut a slot in the bottom of the aft edge of the fin for
the bracket. The slot must be on the centerline of
the fin (hinge line). Use a small amount of 6-minute
epoxy to glue the bracket into position. Make sure
epoxy does not get into the hole in the bracket.
Step 7
Slide the fin back into the fuselage. Check the
alignment of the fin to the stabilizer using a square.
The fin must be 90 degrees to the stabilizer when
properly aligned. If not, carefully sand the bottom of
the fin to provide the clearance to align the fin.