Section 13: Radio Installation
Step 3
Remove the servo and drill the holes for the servo
mounting screws using a 1/16" drill bit.
: Place a drop of thin CA onto each
screw hole to harden the wood around
the hole. Allow the CA to fully cure before
installing the servos.
Step 4
Secure the throttle servo using the screws provided
with the servo.
Step 5
Remove the covering from the opening on the bottom
of the fuselage for the rudder servo.
Step 6
Connect a 9" Servo Extension (JRPA097) to the
servo lead. Secure the connectors by tying them
in a knot using dental floss (as shown) or by using
a commercially available connector clamp to prevent
the servo leads from becoming disconnected.
It is always a good idea to secure the
servo connector and servo extension
together to prevent the wires from
becoming unplugged.