Section 2: Attaching the Wing
Required Parts
• Assembled wing
• Fuselage
• 1/4-20 blind nut (2)
• 1/4" washer (2)
• 1/4-20 x 11/2" socket head bolt (2)
Required Tools and Adhesives
• 30-minute epoxy
• Pliers
• Hex Wrench: 3/16"
Step 1
Locate the two 1/4-20 blind nuts. Mix a small amount
of 30-minute epoxy and apply it to the barbs of the
blind nut. Use pliers to install the blind nut from the
inside of the fuselage.
: Make sure no epoxy gets into the
threads of the blind nut.
Step 2
Use a sharp hobby knife to remove the covering from
the bolt holes on the top of the wing.
Step 3
Use the two 1/4 x 11/2" socket head bolts and 1/4"
washers to attach the wing to the fuselage.
Step 4
Measure the distance between a point centered
at the rear of the fuselage and each wing tip. The
measurement will be equal if the wing is aligned
correctly. If the measurement is not the same,
slightly oval the hole for the wing bolts until an
equal measurement is achieved.