Section 13: Radio Installation
Step 12
Temporarily mount the receiver and battery into the
fuselage. It may be necessary to relocate the battery
forward or aft to balance the model as described in
the section "Control Throws and Center of Gravity."
Step 13
Route the antenna through the bottom of the
fuselage and secure it to a location at the tail
with rubber bands.
Step 14
Remove the aileron hatch from the wing. Remove the
covering from the slot for the aileron horn.
The aileron servo is mounted directly
to the hatch.
Step 15
Install the recommended servo hardware (grommets
and eyelets) supplied with the servo. Temporarily
install a long half servo arm (JRPA212) onto the
servo and position the servo onto the hatch so the
servo arm is centered in the notch. Once satisfied,
mark the location for the servo mounting blocks.
Step 16
Locate the servo mounting blocks. Use 6-minute
epoxy to glue the blocks to the hatch. Let the epoxy
fully cure before proceeding to the next step.