A. Remove the cover and fill the appropriate reser-
voir with DOT 4 Brake Fluid (left hand brake/foot
pedal - rear system; right hand brake - front brake
system); then install and secure the cover.
B. Slowly compress the brake lever several times.
C. Remove the protective cap, install one end of a
clear hose onto one FRONT bleeder screw, and
direct the other end into a container; then while
holding slight pressure on the right brake lever,
open the bleeder screw and watch for air bubbles.
Close the bleeder screw before releasing the brake
lever. Repeat this procedure until no air bubbles
are present.
NOTE: During the bleeding procedure, watch the
appropriate reservoir very closely to make sure
there is always a sufficient amount of brake fluid. If
low, refill the reservoir before the bleeding proce-
dure is continued. Failure to maintain a sufficient
amount of fluid in the reservoir will result in air in
the system.
D. Repeat step C until the brake lever is firm.
E. At this point, perform steps B, C, and D on the
other FRONT bleeder screw; then move to the
REAR bleeder screw and follow the same proce-
dure using the left brake lever or foot pedal.
3. Carefully check the entire hydraulic brake system
that all hose connections are tight, the bleed screws
are tight, the protective caps are installed, and no
leakage is present.
Carefully inspect the hydraulic brake hoses for cracks or
other damage. If found, the brake hoses must be replaced.
The clearance between the brake pads and brake discs is
adjusted automatically as the brake pads wear. The only
maintenance that is required is replacement of the brake
pads when they show excessive wear. Check the thick-
ness of each of the brake pads as follows.
1. Remove a front wheel.
2. Measure the thickness of each brake pad.
3. If thickness of either brake pad is less than 1.0 mm
(0.039 in.), the brake pads must be replaced.
NOTE: The brake pads should be replaced as a set.
4. To replace the brake pads, use the following procedure.
A. Remove the cap screws securing the caliper to
the knuckle; then remove the pads.
B. Install the new brake pads.
Brake fluid that has been drained or bled from the brake
system must NEVER be re-used or severe brake system
corrosion and damage may occur. Always discard used
brake fluid in an appropriate manner.
This hydraulic brake system is designed to use DOT 4
brake fluid only. If brake fluid must be added, care must be
taken as brake fluid is very corrosive to painted surfaces.
Table of Contents