NOTE: It will be necessary to retract the pistons to
accommodate new pads. It may be necessary to open
the bleed screw slightly.
C. Install the new brake pads; then secure the caliper
and pads to the knuckle with the anchor bolts.
Tighten to 35 ft-lb and install the E-clips.
6. Install the wheels and using a crisscross pattern,
tighten the wheel nuts in 20 ft-lb increments to a final
torque of 40 ft-lb (steel wheel), 60 ft-lb (aluminum
wheel w/black nuts), or 80 ft-lb (aluminum wheel
w/chrome nuts).
7. Burnish the brake pads (see Burnishing Brake Pads).
Using a micrometer, measure the thickness of the brake
disc in multiple contact surfaces. If thickness is 0.125-in.
or less, the disc must be replaced. To replace the brake
disc, see Drive and Brake Systems – Hub.
Burnishing Brake Pads
Brake pads must be burnished to achieve full braking
effectiveness. Braking distance will be extended until
brake pads are properly burnished. To properly burnish
the brake pads, use the following procedure.
1. Choose an area large enough to safely accelerate the
vehicle to 30 mph and to brake to a stop.
2. Accelerate to 30 mph; then release the accelerator
pedal and depress the brake pedal to decelerate to 0-5
3. Repeat procedure 20 times until brake pads are bur-
Replacing V-Belt
1. Raise the rear of the vehicle just enough to unload
the rear suspension (weight off the shock absorbers).
2. Remove the right rear shock absorber; then loosen
the clamp securing the cooling exhaust duct to the
3. Remove the cap screws securing the CVT cover,
CVT exhaust pipe mount, and air filter bracket. Note
the longer cap screws securing the exhaust cooling
duct bracket and air filter housing bracket.
4. Remove the CVT cover. Account for two alignment
5. Remove the cap screw securing the driven clutch to
the transmission input shaft. Account for the washer
and alignment shim(s).
Failure to properly burnish the brake pads could lead to
premature brake pad wear or brake loss. Brake loss can
result in severe injury.