2. With the support plates facing opposite directions on
the spring coupler, slide the coupler into the upper
spring; then slide the lower spring into position.
3. With the lower support plate in position, install the
spring retainer.
WC 795
1. Install the shocks using the two cap screws and new
lock nuts. Tighten the upper rear cap screw to 40
ft-lb and the lower rear cap screws to 35 ft-lb.
2. Install the wheels and using a crisscross pattern,
tighten the wheel nuts in 20 ft-lb increments to a final
torque of 40 ft-lb (steel wheel), 60 ft-lb (aluminum
wheel w/black nuts), or 80 ft-lb (aluminum wheel
w/chrome nuts).
Remove the vehicle from the stand.
Front A-Arms
1. Secure the vehicle on a support stand to elevate the
front wheels; then remove the wheels and account
for the hub plate.
NOTE: The upper A-arms can be removed without
removing the hub or knuckle. If the technician’s
objective is to remove the upper A-arms, proceed to
step 6.
2. Remove the hub nut and Belleville washer securing
the hub.
3. Remove the brake caliper. Account for two E-clips
and two anchor bolts.