6. Remove the cap screw on the bottom
of the oil tank and let the oil drain into
the drain pan.
NOTE: The handlebar may have to
be turned slightly for the oil to drain
directly downward and not onto the
7. After the oil has drained completely,
install the drain plug with a new O-
ring and tighten to 16 ft-lb; then
install the air silencer assembly.
8. Apply a light coat of fresh engine oil
to the seal of the new oil filter.
9. Install the new oil filter by turning the
oil filter by hand until the seal has con-
tacted the oil filter mounting surface;
then tighten the oil filter to 12 ft-lb.
10. Install the engine oil drain screw
with a new gasket. Tighten the screw
to 7.2 ft-lb.
11. Pour 3.5 L (3.7 US quarts) of engine
oil in through the oil level stick tube.
12. Install the oil level stick then start
the engine and check for the oil pres-
sure warning icon.
NOTE: The warning icon should
go out within five seconds. If it does,
proceed to step 10. If the warning
icon does not illuminate, take the
snowmobile to an authorized Arctic
Cat Snowmobile dealer for service. If
not under warranty, this service is at
the discretion and expense of the
snowmobile owner.
13. Let the engine idle and warm up
until the fan on the radiator turns on;
then shut the engine off and remove
the oil level stick from the oil tank
and verify it is within the “NOR-
MAL” range on the stick.
NOTE: If the oil and engine are not
at operating temperature, the oil
level may read too low. Always make
sure the engine is at operating tem-
perature before checking the oil.
NOTE: Do not over-fill the oil tank
or oil may be pushed out through the
breather hose.
14. Install the skid plate and access plate
and secure with the torx-head screws;
then close the hood.
Coolant Level
NOTE: Use a good quality, eth-
ylene glycol-based, automotive-type
Locate the filler neck located above the
resonator; then remove the coolant cap
from the filler neck. Verify that the coolant
is at the bottom of the filler neck.
Always check the coolant level with
the engine cold.