NOTE: Make sure the drive belt is
all the way out in the driven clutch
before checking drive belt deflection.
2. Using a stiff ruler centered between
the drive clutch and driven clutch,
push down on the drive belt just
enough to remove all slack and note
the amount of deflection. The deflec-
tion should be within the range of
28.5-31.8 mm (1 1/8-1 1/4 in.).
3. To correct drive belt deflection,
remove the sheave adjuster from the
clutch, remove or add shim washers to
the adjuster, and install the adjuster.
NOTE: Adding shim washers will
decrease belt deflection and removing
shim washers will increase belt deflec-
tion. Available shim washers from Arc-
tic Cat are p/n 0648-714 (0.090 in.) - one
included in the tool kit, p/n 0648-715
(0.030 in.), and p/n 0648-716 (0.060 in.).
NOTE: Removing/adding shim wash-
ers may be done by the snowmobile
owner if qualified to do so. If the owner
does not feel qualified, take the snow-
mobile to an authorized Arctic Cat
Snowmobile dealer for this service.
This service is at the discretion and
expense of the snowmobile owner.
Removing Drive Belt
NOTE: Changing a drive belt can be
done by the snowmobile owner if qual-
ified to do so. If the owner does not
feel qualified, take the snowmobile to
an authorized Arctic Cat Snowmobile
dealer for this service. This service is
at the discretion and expense of the
snowmobile owner.
1. Turn ignition key to the OFF position
and wait for all moving parts to stop.
2. Set the brake lever lock.
3. Open the left-side access panel.
4. Remove the cap screw, lock washer,
washer, and sheave adjuster from the
end of the driven clutch; then remove
the sheave adjuster from the cap
NOTE: Each time the driven clutch
cap screw is removed, the hole in the
driven shaft should be cleaned free
of any Loctite residue.
NOTE: Verify the shims and O-ring
are not removed from the adjuster.
5. Remove the lock washer and flat
washer from the cap screw and reverse
the sheave adjuster.
6. Install the cap screw into the driven
clutch; then tighten the cap screw until
the movable sheave opens far enough to
allow the belt to be removed.
7. Remove the drive belt from the driven
clutch first; then from the drive clutch.
NOTE: Before installing the drive
belt, use a suitable cleaning solvent to
thoroughly clean the sheaves.
Installing Drive Belt
NOTE: If a new drive belt is being
installed, see Drive Belt Break-In sub-
section in the General Information
1. Place the drive belt (so the part num-
ber can be read and the arrows are fac-
ing the front of the snowmobile)
between the sheaves of the drive
clutch first; then between the sheaves
of the driven clutch.
2. Install the cap screw, lock washer,
washer, and sheave adjuster back into
the driven clutch. Tighten the cap
screw (apply a few drops of blue Loc-
tite #243 to the threads) to 20 ft-lb.
Before securing the driven clutch, be
sure the rollers are up against the
torque bracket or damage to the back-
side cams may occur.