1. Remove the hairpin clip from the pin
located at the front of the access
panel. On the M, remove the thumb
screw securing the front left access
panel to the front facia.
2. Move the panel up and off the pin;
then swing the panel all the way out
and unhinge the panel from the
lower console.
3. Remove the torx-head screws secur-
ing the hood (located on the underside
of the hood above the front tube of the
upper A-arm); then remove the torx-
head screws from the top-side of the
hood securing the hood to the upper
console and the torx-head screws
from under the nosepiece of the hood.
4. Remove the intake panel below the
gauge; then locate the hood harness
connector (located in front of the
speedometer) and unplug the con-
nector; then move the hood slightly
forward and remove the hood.
To install the access panel and hood, use
the following procedure:
1. Position the hood onto the snowmo-
bile and connect the hood harness
connector making sure the harness
does not become pinched and the
mounting screw clips are in position.
NOTE: Make sure the hood tabs
are seated between the throttle body
2. Secure the hood with torx-head
screws and tighten securely.
3. Install the access panel onto the lower
console; then close the access panel
and secure with the hairpin clip and
thumb screw. Install the intake panel.
Removable Seat
Certain models are equipped with a remov-
able seat. To remove the seat, remove the
screw from the underside of the seat; then
lift on the back of the seat and move it up
and rearward to remove it.
To install the seat, route the front tab on
the seat through the seat-base hold-down
bracket; then install the seat and secure
using the cap screw.
NOTE: On the LXR prior to lower-
ing and securing the seat, connect
the seat heater harness connector.
Removable Seat (M)
To remove the seat, remove both torx-
head screws from the side of the seat;
then remove the four tabs from the seat
base from the lower console. Pull back
and remove the seat cover and foam.
On the LXR prior to removing the seat,
lift the rear of the seat and disconnect
the seat heater harness connector.