Quality for Professionals
Scope of use for the Flex20 seeding shaft:
Generally for granulated fertiliser, high rates or large grain sizes.
E.g.: Grass mixtures, rye, barley, wheat, oats, etc.
Scope of use for the fine-toothed seeding shaft
Generally for low rates or small grain sizes as well as micro granules.
Small seeds such as oil rape seed, clover, phacelia, slug pellets, etc.
the spread rate can be reduced by using blind or extra-fine seed wheels.
However, ensure that the same number and type of seed wheels are installed for
each outlet!
t is important to select the combination of seed wheels such that the
seeding shaft settings on the control box are ideally between 20 % and 80 %.
This ensures good regulation and homogeneous delivery of the seed even with
ground speed related spreading at very low or high speeds!
Fig.: 13