Lenni – Lucey Oparation
Manual Mode
The Manual mode is active
when the blue LED light next to
the Stitch Regulator On/Off
switch is NOT illuminated.
The “TURTLE” and “RABBIT” icons on the dial correspond to
“sewing motor speed” when using the manual sewing mode. The
setting on this dial will determine how fast the sewing motor will
In manual mode, the machine’s needle moves at a constant
speed and it will not stop unless you press one of the toggle
switches away from the white dot on the handle to deactivate
the sewing motor.
Once you press your handle toggle switch from any handle, your
machine will begin stitching immediately once the switch has
been pressed.
The sewing motor speed can be set anywhere from “very slow” (pointing the dial to the “turtle”) to maximum
sewing speed (pointing the dial to the “rabbit”). As you move the dial clockwise, the machine will sew faster.
Turning the dial counterclockwise will cause the machine to sew slower.
You can change this setting at any time as you are sewing, even if you have not stopped the sewing motor by
tapping the toggle switch away from the white dot on any handle.
NOTE: If the dial is as far to the left as it can go, (pointing toward the turtle) the motor will not sew, even if you
have depressed and released the toggle switch to start the sewing motor. Sometimes quilters will think there is a
problem when nothing happens after pressing the toggle switch to start the sewing motor. Turn the rotary dial
clockwise to a setting above the turtle. Set the approximate manual motor speed you desire BEFORE starting the
sewing motor to avoid confusion.