POS MV V5 Installation and Operation Guide
and Data Formats
Copyright © Applanix Corporation, 2017
3.0 Interfaces and Data Formats
This section of the manual describes the data formats for each of the following interface ports on the POS
Computer System (PCS) rear panel.
Each port has a different format. To avoid operating problems, give careful attention to the
structure of each interface.
LAN (Ethernet) Data
The POS MV 10/100BaseT Ethernet interface conforms to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) 802.3i standard. It allows you to configure the system and to monitor its status during
The interface comprises four ports:
Control port - used to transmit configuration information to POS MV
Display port - provides navigation and attitude information at a low update rate for use by the MV-
POSView Controller program running on a separate PC
Real-time data port - provides user selectable navigation and attitude data, at higher update rates
with minimal latency, for use by other computers on a shared Ethernet LAN
Logging data port - provides user selectable navigation and attitude data, at higher update rates
but is buffered for robust logging by other computers on a shared Ethernet LAN
POS MV broadcasts information from the display port using the Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP)
protocol and outputs data on the logging data port using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
protocol. For the real-time data port the protocol can be selected from UDP, UDP Unicast or TCP.
Information is organised into a data group structure and each port may be configured independently to
permit the output of selected data groups.
The MV-POSView Controller program configures the groups transmitted through the display port
automatically according to the specific windows that the program has open at any one time. The group
structure is therefore user transparent. POS MV enables groups automatically to support the demands
that you make by opening windows within the controller program.
COM Ports
The five RS-232 serial ports, COM(1) through COM(5), allow communication between the PCS and
external equipment. Two of the five COM ports are software switchable between the RS-232 and RS-422
protocols. Two of the five COM ports are software switchable to connect with the internal GNSS receiver
COM ports. All COM ports are assignable for input and/or output. The following identifies the available
port assignments: