3DLevelScannerᵀᴹ Overview ● Models
3DLevelScanner Operating Instructions © 2013 APM all rights reserved
3-Dimensional mapping visualization tool for filling-point choosing assistance (in
vessels with multiple filling points)
The most reliable sensor available - includes 3 transmitters and 3 receivers
The 3DLevelScanner
line of products is consisted of three models:
Model S
The S model determines the average level of the stored contents and average distance
from the scanner to the surface of the material. Based on a 30
beam angle, The S model
is ideal for small and narrow vessels of up to 4m (13ft) in diameter.
Model M
The M model yields highly accurate readings of level and volume. It is appropriate for large
vessels of up to 15m (50ft) in diameter and at least twice as high (30m / 100ft), open bins
and stockpiles. It is based on a 70
beam angle. The M model also presents the minimum
and maximum Level/Distance measurements along with the calculated average.
Model MV
The MV model is identical to the M model, with the additional capability of generating a 3-
dimensional representation of the stored contents on a remote computer. This feature is
highly useful for mapping build-up loads that form randomly over time and other
All three models are available in various modes, such as ATEX approved, FM approved,
and non-ATEX (for more information, see Approvals on page 38) and also available with
neck extension (see
Appendix B: Accessories: Neck on page 31
) and compatible with the
Head-Body separation kit.
Each of the models is available in two temperature ranges:
3DLevelScanner II
is compatible in applications where the maximal temperature in the
surroundings inside the vessel is up to 85
C (185
3DLevelScanner II HT
is compatible in applications where the maximal temperature in the
surroundings inside the vessel is up to 180
C (356
All references in this manual to the 3DLevelScanner can be referred to as
3DLevelScanner or simply the scanner, if nothing else is mentioned it applies to any of the
s models.