3DLevelScanner Operating Instructions © 2013 APM all rights reserved
Different Connection Methods
Using the 3DLevelManager for communicating with the 3DLevelScanner allows the user to
choose several communication types: RS485, HART, GSM, GPRS and TCP/IP, for more
information and details regarding the communications, refer to the
APM 3DLevelManger
Software Instructions manual
4-20mA Connection
The 3DLevelScanner outputs the % of Volume as set in the
configuration and between the Full and Empty calibration levels. The
4-20mA current output is available through ports 3 and 4 of the left
green connector (as shown in the drawing to the right). Ports 3 and
4 are the negative and positive poles, respectively.
The 4
20mA line is connected directly from the scanner mounted
on the vessel to the PLC/DCS/Display or any other device (as shown below).
This type of connection is
active and not passive, hence the
3DLevelScanner is the active module and
the PLC should be the passive module.
HART Communication
The 3DLevelScanner supports
protocol over the 4-20mA wires. By
connecting a 250 Ohm resistor on one of
the wires and a HART modem and
communication to and from the scanner can
be established from the 3DLevelManager