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40418 - Pre filter
Defines the physical range (0 - 10,364 mm) of the start up (pre-filter) window. Four sample readings must be
found within the Pre filter window for the MPX sensor to successfully start up.
This register is used for factory diagnostics only.
40419 - Noise limit
Sets the limit for number of signals (0-255) outside the Pre filter range for the MPX at start up. If the Noise
Limit is reached before four readings register within the Pre filter window, the MPX will not start up.
This register is used for factory diagnostics only.
40420 - Temperature Select
Selects the temperature sensor reading to be displayed in Input Register 30302.
MPX-E/R4 sensors are limited to a single RTD sensor in the stem. Only options 0 and 8 work for the MPX-E/
0 = RTD
1 = Digital Temperature Sensor A
5 = Digital Temperature Sensor E
2 = Digital Temperature Sensor B
6 = Digital Temperature Sensor F
3 = Digital Temperature Sensor C
7 = Digital Temperature Sensor G
4 = Digital Temperature Sensor D
8 = N/A
40421 - RTD Offset C°
Calibrates the RTD temperature sensor.
: MPX-E1 and MPX-R1 legacy models will only work with option 0.
40422 - Float Window (Factory Calibrated)
Sets the distance (0 - 1000 mm) between the first (i.e. top) float and the point at which the sensor will begin
looking for the second (bottom) float. 0 indicates a single float.