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Figure 3.1
Window = 300 mm
Out of Range Samples = 10
Min. Reading
Max. Reading
150 mm
Current value
of Distance
All samples
are accepted
within this area
Samples are rejected within
this area unless they persist
for 10 consecutive samples
Samples are rejected within
this area unless they persist
for 10 consecutive samples
40413 - Filter Window
Determines the physical range (0 - 10,364 mm) of qualified received signals, based on the current raw
reading. Signals beyond the +/- Filter Window range of the current reading will not qualify unless the
average moves. Signals outside the extents of the Filter Window are written to the Out of Range samples
buffer (Holding Register 40414). See Figure 3.1.
40414 - Out of Range Samples
Sets the number of consecutive samples outside the Filter Window (Holding Register 40413) necessary to
automatically adjust the current reading and move the Filter Window.
40415 - Sample Rate
Sets the update rate of the sensor (between 10 - 1000 ms). Shorter time delays allow for quicker sensor
response times to changing levels. Typical setting is 200 ms. Settings under 200 ms are not recommended.
40416 - Multiplier (Factory Calibrated)
Calibrates the distance reading span. The Multiplier is shown by the values 1 - 1999, but these values are
understood to represent 0.001 - 1.999. The default of 1000 (i.e. 1.000) is used for most applications.
40417 - Offset (Factory Calibrated)
Sets the Zero Reference of the sensor, the point from which the calculated distance is measured.
40412 - Averaging
ets the number of qualified received float signals to average for the raw reading. Qualified received signals
are placed in a first-in, first-out buffer, the contents of which are averaged for the raw reading. The larger
the number of qualified received signals being averaged, the smoother the reading will be, and the slower
the reading will be to react to quickly changing levels.