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11. Probe Cleaning
1) The tester is only as accurate as the probe is clean. Always thoroughly rinse off the probe before
and after each measurement with pure water in a container or with a wash bottle.
2) For tough contaminants, detach the sensor shield, soak the probe in Apera probe cleaning solution
(AI1166) or detergent water for 30 minutes. Then use a soft brush to remove the contaminants.
Afterwards, soak the probe in 3M KCL soaking solution for at least 1 hour. Rinse it off, then re-
calibrate the tester before using again.
12. Probe Storage
1) For regular storage, just make sure there are a few water droplets inside the probe cap. Then
close on the probe cap tightly to maintain the humidity inside so the probe will not dry out.
2) If the probe is dried out by accident or if you find the probe's response turns much slower than
usual, soak the probe in the 3M KCL soaking solution for about 2 hours to recover its sensitivity.
NEVER leave the probe in the 3M KCL soaking solution for longer than 24 hours as it may cause
damage to the conductivity sensor.
3) If you find white crystals inside or outside the probe cap, it is perfectly normal. It is the 3M KCL
soaking solution that crystalizes over time by its nature. Just rinse them off and keep using. This
chemical is not poisonous nor dangerous, and the probe’s performance will not be affected at all.
4) NEVER store the probe in pure water like tap, RO, distilled, or deionized water as they could
damage the pH probe. If this happens, immediately soak the pH probe in the 3M KCL soaking
solution overnight, then re-calibrate it before using. Pure water is only for rinsing the probe.
10. ORP Measurement
1) ORP stands for Oxidation-Reduction Potential, measured in mV. It’s also called redox. ORP is a
measure of the cleanliness of water & its ability to break down contaminants. A separate ORP
probe (ORP60-DA) needs to be installed to be able to measure ORP.
2) Power on the PC60-Z tester, unscrew the original probe, and install the ORP60-DA probe, then
the tester will automatically switch to ORP measurement mode (Refer to Section 16 for how to
replace a probe).
3) Rinse the probe in pure water and shake off excess water. Dip the probe in sample solution, make
a quick stir and hold still. Record the ORP reading after it's fully stabilized stays on screen.