Ready to fly:
This term will refer to the CG035 and controller being switched on with a full gps lock on
both as outlined previously.
Starting and stopping the motors:
: Occasionally this can initiate a partial auto take off, (in either fully manual mode or
GPS mode on mine anyway) so if the props are on make sure to only do this outdoors!
To do this you can, from ready to fly, pull both sticks down and in or down and out. This
places the drone in an idle state with all motors rotating gently ready to take off manually
by throttling up.
Once the drone is manually landed the motors can be stopped by simply holding the throttle
down fully for a few seconds.
Alternately an emergency shut down of the motors can be accomplished by holding down
and in/out on both sticks from ANY altitude. Note: do not use this unless it is a genuine
emergency as doing it from any altitude causes the drone to drop like a rock. Smashing,
swearing and tears will ensue.
Auto take off and landing button:
Self explanatory really, this is the big oval button in the centre
of the controller below the power switch.
From ready to fly in GPS mode 3 presses of the button in rapid
succession starts the motors spinning and launches it into the
air to hover at a height of approximately 1.5 meters.
From any height during flight another 3 presses initiates auto
land where it descends straight down from wherever it is
hovering, lands and then shuts the motors off.
SWB Position 1
Normal mode.
In this mode the quad will roughly maintain height if calibrated correctly and with no wind
but nothing else, it will drift with the wind and be less stable in flight but will fly faster.
SWB position 2
GPS hold mode.