Code 39
⋆ Data digits (variable)
Check digit (optional)
Check digit verification: The check digit is optional and made as the sum module 43 of the numerical
value of the data digits.
Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.
Max./Min. code length: Each symbology has own max./min. code length. If both setting of max./min.
code length are “00”s, the setting of global max./min. code length is
effective. The length is defined as
to the actual barcode data length to be sent. Label with length exceeds these limits will be rejected.
Make sure that the minimum length setting is no greater than the maximum length setting, or otherwise
all the labels of the symbology will not be readable. In particular, you can see the same value for both
minimum and maximum reading length to force the fixed length barcode decoded.
Code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of UPC-A.
Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of UPC-A.
Start/End transmission: The start and end characters of Code 39 are “⋆”s. You can transmit all data
digits including two “⋆”s.
“⋆” as data character: By setting Enable, “⋆” can be recognized as data character.
Convert Code 39 to Code 32: Code 32 is a variant of Code 39 used by the Italian pharmaceutical
industry. Note that Code 39 must be enabled in order for this parameter to function.
Format of Code 32
“A” (optional)
Data digits (8 digits)
Check digit
Code 32 Prefix “A” transmission: By setting Enable, the prefix character “A” can be added to all Code 32
Trioptic Code 39 read: Trioptic Code 39 is a variant of Code 39 used in the marking of magnetic tapes
and computer cartridges. Trioptic Code 39 symbols always contain six characters.
Data digits (6 digits)
Trioptic Code 39 Start/End transmission: The start and end characters of Trioptic Code 39 are “$”s.
You can transmit all data digits including two “$”s.