Point coordination wireless communication setting
1. Point coordination wireless communication setting for handheld unit
Wireless network topology for handheld unit: There are two kinds of wireless network topology that can
be employed: point coordination and distributed coordination.
Handheld unit RF channel No.: The scanner offers 16 different radio frequency channels for the data
transmission between handheld unit and cradle. The number of channel can be increased.
Handheld unit ID: The scanner offers 16 different handheld unit IDs.
Example: to set a handheld unit to work on channel 2 with ID 15.
Steps: Scan the following barcodes in order.
Radio power level for handheld unit: By selecting, you can change the radio power level for handheld
Frequency hopping: If it is enabled, the scanner is able to pick up a higher-performance radio frequency
channel from a group of channels in terms of consolidated communication.
Batch data mode:
Disable- Do not batch data. The handheld unit attempts to transmit every scanned barcode. If the
transmission is failed, the barcode data is ignored.
Out-of-range batch- The handheld unit starts storing barcode data when it loses its connection to a
remote device (for example, when a user holding the handheld unit walks out of range). Data
transmission is triggered by reestablishing the connection with the cradle (for example, when a user
holding the handheld unit walks back into range).
Standard batch- The handheld unit starts storing barcode data after “%%%EBM” (
Enter Batch Mode
) is
scanned. Data transmission is triggered by scanning “%%%SBD” (
Send Batch Data
In Out-of-range batch or Standard batch modes, calculate the number of barcodes the handheld unit can
store as follows:
Number of storable barcodes = 16,384 bytes of memory / (number of characters in the b 2).
Beep on reconnect attempt: This feature is active only when the Out-of-range batch operating mode is
selected. If this feature is enabled, the beeper emits 4 short beeps every 5 seconds while the
reconnection attempt is in progress.
Radio connection checking interval: This feature is active only when the Out-of-range batch operating
mode is selected. The handheld unit checks the radio communication with the cradle once within the
time interval.
Save data at low-battery or power-off: If it is enabled, the handheld unit will save data to memory while
the battery is low or before the power is off.