2. Point coordination wireless communication setting for cradle
Wireless network topology for cradle: There are two kinds of wireless network topology that can be
employed: point coordination and distributed coordination.
Cradle RF channel No.: The scanner offers 16 different radio frequency channels for the data
transmission between handheld unit and cradle.
Bind the first handheld unit ID: This setting is used to bind the first handheld unit ID. By this setting, the
cradle communicates with ONLY one handheld unit with the binding ID. 16 different handheld unit IDs
are offered.
Recruit a next handheld unit ID: This setting is used to associate one more handheld unit ID with the
cradle. 16 different handheld unit IDs are offered.
Example 1: to set a cradle to work on channel 2, and to bind the first handheld unit ID as 15.
Steps: Scan the following barcodes in order.
Example 2: to set a cradle to work on channel 3, and communicate with the handheld units with ID 5 and
15. The first step is to bind the first handheld unit ID as 5, then recruit a next handheld unit ID as 15.
Keep pressing the S button on the cradle, until the blue LED is flashing. Then three LEDs will all be
turned ON, this indicates the cradle being upgrade/setting ready mode.
Scan the following barcodes in order.
Radio power level for cradle: Refer to Radio power level for handheld unit of section “Point coordination
wireless communication setting for handheld unit”.
Frequency hopping: Refer to Frequency hopping of section “Point coordination wireless communication
setting for handheld unit”.