Report No. : C121401
SPORTON International Inc.
Page Number
: 44 of 62
TEL : 886-2-2696-2468
Issued Date
: Feb. 21, 2001
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255
11.4 Test Procedure
a. In order to minimize the effect of environmental parameters on test results, the climatic conditions when
test is carrying out shall comply with the following requirements:
- ambient temperature: 15
to 35
- relative humidity : 45
to 75
- atmospheric pressure : 68 KPa (680 mbar) to 106 KPa (1060 mbar).
b. In order to minimize the effect of environmental parameters on test results, the electromagnetic
environment of the laboratory shall not influence the test results.
c. The variety and diversity of equipment and systems to be tested make it difficult to establish general
criteria for the evaluation of the effects of fast transients/bursts on equipment and systems.
d. The test results may be classified on the basic of the operating conditions and the functional
specification of the equipment under test, according to the following performance criteria :
- Normal performance within the specification limits.
- Temporary degradation or loss of function or performance which is self-recoverable.
- Temporary degradation or loss of function or performance which requires operator intervention or
system reset.
- Degradation or loss of function which is not recoverable due to damage of equipment (components).