Report No. : C121401
SPORTON International Inc.
Page Number
: 33 of 62
TEL : 886-2-2696-2468
Issued Date
: Feb. 21, 2001
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255
9.2 Test Setup for Tests Performed in Laboratory
A ground reference plane was provided on the floor of the test site. It was a metallic sheet (copper or
aluminum) of 0.25 mm, minimum thickness; other metallic may be used but they shall have at least 0.65
mm thickness. In the SPORTON EMC LAB., we provided 1 mm thickness aluminum ground reference
plane or 1 mm thickness stainless steel ground reference plane. The minimum size of the ground reference
plane is 1 m x 1 m, the exact size depending on the dimensions of the EUT. It was connected to the
protective grounding system.
The EUT was arranged and connected according to its functional requirements. A distance of 1m minimum
was provided between the EUT and the wall of the lab. and any other metallic structure. In cases where
this length exceeds the length necessary to apply the discharges to the selected points, the excess length
shall, where possible, be placed non-inductively off the ground reference plane and shall not come closer
than 0.2m to other conductive parts in the test setup.
Where the EUT is installed on a metal table, the table was connected to the reference plane via a cable
with a 470k ohm resister located at each end, to prevent a build-up of charge. The test setup was consist a
wooden table, 0.8m high, standing on the ground reference plane. A HCP, 1.6 m x 0.8 m, was placed on
the table. The EUT and cables was isolated from the HCP by an insulating support 0.5 mm thick. The VCP
size, 0.5 m x 0.5 m.