Report No. : C121401
SPORTON International Inc.
Page Number
: 18 of 62
TEL : 886-2-2696-2468
Issued Date
: Feb. 21, 2001
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255
6. Test of Radiated Emission
Radiated emissions from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were measured with a bandwidth of 120 kHz according to
the methods defines in European Standard EN 55022, Clause 10. The EUT was placed on a nonmetallic
stand in the open-field site, 0.8 meter above the ground plane, as shown in section 6.3. The interface cables
and equipment positions were varied within limits of reasonable applications to determine the positions
producing maximum radiated emissions.
6.1 Description of Major Test Instruments
RF Preselector
( HP 85685A )
0 dB
RF Gain
25 dB
Signal Input
20 MHz to 1.5 GHz
Spectrum Analyzer
( HP 8568B )
0 dB
Start Frequency
30 MHz
Stop Frequency
1000 MHz
Resolution Bandwidth
1 MHz
Video Bandwidth
1 MHz
Signal Input
100 Hz to 1.5 GHz
Spectrum Analyzer
( HP 85650A )
Resolution Bandwidth
120 KHz
Frequency Band
30 MHz to 1 GHz
Quasi-Peak Detector
ON for Quasi-Peak Mode
OFF for Peak Mode