1. Overview
The B2G78-E1 operates as a gateway unit for the Ethernet and AnyWireASLINK. The AnyWireASLINK
system can be connected to the Ethernet by using this gateway.
The AnyWireASLINK system is a "Sho-Haisen" (wiring saving) system consisting of compact and
fewer-point/multiple-distribution units suitable for wire saving on the sensor level.
This system covers bundling of a minimum 1 point to 16 points in a compact unit, therefore, it can bundle even
in a narrow device in which a BOX is not placed.
In addition, this system also proposes "Digital Link Sensors" that incorporate the AnyWireASLINK sensing
function and wiring saving function.
This is a sensor able to be directly connected to the transmission line, and offers excellent wiring saving
without using a remote terminal.
In addition to ON/OFF information, information such as sensing level and disconnections are also transmitted
to the controller side.
It is possible to monitor the operating state, prevent momentary stoppages, and significantly reduce cause
investigation time during a failure.