Configuration Example
Doc.Id. SCM-1200-121
Anybus Communicator CAN to CANopen
Doc.Rev. 1.00
Select ‘Subnetwork’.
If the Control/Status Word is enabled no Bus Off Action can be defined.
Add Groups.
- Right-click on ‘Subnetwork’ and add two groups
to the navigation tree, one for each device on the
CAN network.
- Rename them e.g. Temp. Sensor and Motor. Re-
naming is essential to enable other users than
the designer of the application to comfortably
monitor and modify the application.
The CAN network is message-based, but using the group to structure the transactions will make
it conceptually easier to build a configuration.
Add transactions to Temp. Sensor group.
The temperature sensor needs to be initialized. It
needs instructions during runtime, and it will deliver
temperature data to the Communicator.
A suitable transaction for an initialization is a query-
response transaction which is run once at start up.
A query-response transaction ensures an acknowl-
edgement of a successful initialization. In this exam-
ple, the initialization is performed in two steps.
Also, instructions and information need to be sent
to the sensor and data collected. A produce transac-
tion sends information to the network and a con-
sume transaction will collect information.
- Add two query-response transactions and rename them ‘Initialize 1’ and ‘Initialize 2’.
- On each, select Query and change Update Mode to Single Shot. The transactions will be run
once at startup to initialize the communication with the temperature sensor.
- Leave the rest of the parameters at default values.
- Add one Produce transaction to send information and instructions to the temperature sen-
sor. Rename the transaction to ‘Cels/Farenh’ and set Update Mode to Cyclically.
- Leave the rest of the parameters at default values.
- Finally add one Consume transaction to collect the data cyclically from the temperature sen-
sor. Rename the transaction to ‘Temperature’ and set Update Mode to Cyclically.
- Leave the rest of the parameters at default values.