AIM-DAC System
Anviz Global Inc
3.3.3 Time Zone
The Time Zone is the main function for AIM-DAC system. A time zone defines a weekly time
period or set of time periods, for example, "Office Hours" or "Out of Office Hours". Door access
rights, input and output behavior can all be set to behave differently within each Time Zone.
The AIM-DAC System support 255 Time Zone. By default the time zone “0” and “1” are fixed
time zones.
Time Zone 0
: Normal Close, means all users with time zone 0 that can not pass access the
Time Zone 1
: Pass any time means all users with time zone 1 that can pass access the door at
any time.
Time Zone No
: the software can set 255 time zones. The time zone 0 and 1 is fixed.
Time Zone Name
: Input a name to describe the time zone.
Start / Ending Date
: Date range of the time zone. The date range can be week, month and
year. The format is: YYYY-MM-DD.
Link Time
: is a time zone for subsequent event after current time zone. Such as setup “link