AIM-DAC System
Anviz Global Inc
Quick Add Device Interface
Click “
” option, the software will list out all the DAC844 devices which connect in the
LAN. Select the device, the device network parameter displays as below and you can modify the
network parameter as you need. Click “Modify” to setting and save the DAC844 device’s
newwork. Click “Add” you will success add a DAC844 device in the software.
To manual to add a DAC844 device. The DAC844 support two connection mode. TCP/IP
and RS485 connection mode.
TCP/IP mode
Please enter the “Controller No.”. The “Controller NO.” is the unique ID of the DAC844. You can
find it in the DAC844 Package or on the DAC844 product lable. It is a 6 digit number. Such
as ”44893”.
Select “
” in “
Connection Mode
” and input IP address which you need.
Detail Info
”: Input DAC844 devices describe information.
”: To save the device setting.
”: To cancel the device setting.
The Quick Add Mode only suit for DAC844 TCP/IP connection mode.