What is the working distance between NVR and camera?
The best operation distance between the POE NVR and POE Camera is 50-100
meter. The operation distance depends on the quality of network cable, the quality
of the network cable sis better , the distance can be farther.
If there are POE switches that can reach 200 meters.
What should I do if I forget the password of the system?
Please provide the time in the upper right corner of the monitor. The tech support
will generate a super password to help you unlock the system.
Does the camera need batteries or power supply?
The cameras need to be plugged in with Ethernet cable for 24/7 monitoring, not
battery operated. If use battery, it's not safe and cannot use for a long time.
2. HDD Issue
How to check the NVR whether install the HDD?
1: If your NVR is square and there are 4 screws on the bottom of the NVR box, you
will know this system includes HDD.
2: Check it on monitor which connected the system. Right click your mouse to "Main
Menu---System--HDD Manage", you will get the HDD information.