Portable Gas Leak Detector, Model D16
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Rev-A Feb 2018
- 61 -
Exception Messages
Exception messages are returned when the D16 denies requests to
change settings and run services, like sensor “Zero” and “Span”. Many are
not likely to occur because the cause of the exception will be reported on the
“Trouble” page. However, some exceptions are generated in response to
exceeding limits and updating non-volatile memory.
Table 26 Exception messages.
Exception Message
Sensor trouble.
The sensor is missing, or a pre-existing
sensor error is preventing the action from
No data logged.
No samples have been recorded in the data
Data logger busy.
The data logger is waiting for a previous
action to complete.
Sensor memory or configuration error.
The action resulted in an error in the
sensor’s non-volatile memory.
Cannot perform this action.
The action is not supported in version of the
D16 or H10 sensor.
Sensor input low.
The magnitude of the sensor signal is too low
to complete the action.
Sensor input high.
The magnitude of the sensor signal is too high
to complete the action.
Sensor power on delay.
The sensor is in a timed warmup period.
Trouble alarm.
The Trouble alarm is active.
Input data low.
The value entered by the user is too low to
complete the action.
Input data high.
The value entered by the user is too high to
complete the action.
Setup memory error.
A non-volatile user memory error occurred
performing the action.
Alarm disabled.
The action cannot be applied to the subject
alarm because it is currently disabled.
Alarm active, cannot continue.
The action cannot be performed because an
alarm is active.