August 2012
Command allows the program to jump to the specified label.
Command inserts a label for go to and loop commands.
Return from Subroutine
Command will return to the last goto and execute the next line of code.
Outer Loop
Command allows a sequence of commands to be looped a specific number
of times to a label. This label must be before the outer loop command. This
command cannot be used within an inner loop.
Inner Loop
Command allows a sequence of commands to be looped a specific number of
times to a label. This label must be before the inner loop command. This com-
mand cannot be used within an outer loop.
Thumbwheel Index Off
Command will disable the ability to use the thumbwheel switches to index.
Thumbwheel Index On
Command allows the user the thumbwheel index. Switch 2 must be in the
thumbwheel position for the thumbwheel to be enabled.
Move Thumbwheel Index
Relative move command will allow motor to move the defined number of steps
set by the thumbwheel switches.
Encoder Auto Correct Off
Command will disable the auto correct of the motor. The encoder value can
still be read.
Encoder Auto Correct On
Command will enable the use of the encoder and auto correct the motor if
needed, based on the encoder registers.
Command sets a time delay used for settling time needed after an index is
finished: The delay occurs before the encoder count is read.
Motor Ratio
Command sets the number of encoder counts to one motor step.
Command sets the number of times the motor can auto correct itself before an
error occurs. When the auto correct errors, Output 8 will be triggered.
Command sets the number of encoder counts the motor is allowed to be off.
Reset Encoder Count
Command will reset the encoder count to 0 (zero).
Add Tab Sheets - Goto, For Loops, Encoder and Thumbwheel Commands
July 2018