September 2012
The verify command causes the controller to send data back to the PC or PLC. The data is sent as
an ASCII decimal string followed by a carriage return and a line feed. The permissible verify commands
are shown below.
The Loop instruction allows the user to loop a program a variable number of times. The program
will loop to the designated address location of the program. The address must always be a lower address
value than the instruction itself. No nested loops are allowed.
The acceleration and deceleration are by default the same value. This function
controls the time that the motor will take to move from base speed to max speed. The higher the value,
the slower the motor will accelerate. The same principal applies for the deceleration which is controlling
the time it takes to go from maximum speed to base speed. The higher the value, the slower the motor
will decelerate. (Range:1 to 255)
Base Speed:
The base speed is the speed at which motion starts and stops. It is entered directly as the
number of steps per second. This speed must always be less than the max speed. (Range: 77 to 3500)
Max Speed:
The max speed is the top speed the user wants the motor to run at. This speed must always
be greater than the base speed. It is entered directly as the number of steps/second.
(Range: 77 to 15000)
Jog Speed:
The jog speed sets the slow jog rate. Jog (+/-) can also be used in conjunction with the FJOG
pin. The FJOG pin, when grounded, will ramp the motor to 10kHz. This speed must always be greater
than the base speed.
Command Description
Verify Acceleration/Deceleration
Verify Base Speed
Verify if Controller is Busy
Verify Jog Speed
Verify Max Speed
Verify Number of Steps
Verify Outputs
Verify Goto Position
Verify Position
Verify Direction (1 is CW, 0 is CCW)
July 2018