September 2012
Jog Inputs:
Jog is a manual function. The user can select the direction and speed (fast or slow) by
grounding the appropriate combinations of inputs on a particular axis. These inputs are located on the
terminal block. To jog a motor, it is necessary to ground the jog input on the axis for the direction desired.
For fast jog, both the fast and jog command for the appropriate direction must be low at the same time.
The closure of jog causes the motor to start at base speed and accelerate at a predetermined rate to
jog speed. When the fast input is closed, the motor will then accelerate to a pre-programmed speed of
10kHz. The actual jog rates can be programmed. Fast jog is not programmable. The position register
will keep track of the number of steps that are taken during jogging. Once a +jog or a -jog function has
been performed, the direction register will retain the last direction of movement; that is, a subsequent go
command will be in the same direction as the last jog command.
Programmable Input and Outputs:
Four inputs and two outputs are provided per axis. The inputs may
be used to initiate a machine cycle, for inter-axis coordination (in stored program mode), for operator in-
tervention, for sensing a machine condition such as out of stock, or to wait for temperature to be reached.
Outputs may be used to operate coolant valve, air cylinders, relays, or, with the right interfacing, any
electronically controlled device. The inputs are TTL compatible. Since the inputs have pull up resistors,
all that is required for a signal is a switch closure to ground (0VDC). With zero volts on the input, the
pull up resistor source current is approximately 5mA. This will make the inputs read like they are logi-
cally reverse. A grounded input will read a “1” and an open input will read a “0”. The outputs can drive
all types of common peripheral power loads, including lamps, relays, solenoids, LED’s, printer heads,
and heaters. For inductive loads, it will be necessary to connect a clamping diode (refer to specification
section). The outputs are current sinking, open drain FETs. They are capable of sinking up to 75mA per
output with voltages up to 40VDC. Turning an output on will pull the pin to ground and turning an output
off will make the pin open.
For inductive loads, customers must connect a clamping diode in order to provide adequate fly-back
protection. Input wiring should be kept separate from step motor wiring.
The slew command will accelerate the motor up to maximum speed and continue to run at the speed
until reaching a hard limit switch, soft limit switches, or receiving a “.” (stop hard) command.
Finish Move:
When writing a program, the finish move command is used directly after a motion command.
With this command, the controller will see a busy signal until the move is complete before executing any
further commands. Unless the finish move command is used, the controller will keep on executing com
mands, even though the controller is not ready to use it. This data will be ignored by the controller, so the
program will not work as expected.
The run command starts the execution of a stored program.
The quit command is used within a stored program and stops the execution of the program. This
command must be used at the end of all programs.
In stored program mode, the wait command pauses the program for the specified number of mil
liseconds. (Range:1 to 9999)
July 2018